Exactis presented this multi-center observational study that aims to assess the Oncomine Precision Assay (OPA) against the standard of care in detecting genomic aberrations in NSCLC patients. The primary objective focuses on the detection rate of specific genomic aberrations, while the secondary examines the clinical utility of OPA results in guiding treatment decisions. Initiated in May 2021, this study enrolled 100 participants across six Canadian sites.

Copy number and transcriptome alterations associated with metastatic lesion response to treatment in colorectal cancer
This study delved into the genomic adaptability of metastatic lesions in response to first-line systemic therapy by analyzing longitudinal liver metastatic samples for copy number aberration (CNA) and its transcriptomic effects. Notably, a majority of CNA regions linked with PFS were exclusive to metastatic lesions, emphasizing the criticality of examining metastases in clinical contexts.
Evaluating the quantity, quality and size distribution of cell‑free DNA by multiplex droplet digital PCR
Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) has become a comprehensive biomarker in the fields of non-invasive cancer detection and monitoring, organ transplantation, prenatal genetic testing and pathogen detection. The assay described herein is a powerful tool to establish quality controls and stratify cfDNA samples based on presumed ctDNA levels, then facilitating the implementation of robust, cost-effective and standardized analytical workflows into clinical practice.
Discovery of a putative blood-based protein signature associated with response to ALK tyrosine kinase inhibition
In conjunction with ALK mutation, the expression of this proteomic signature may represent a liquid biopsy-based marker of long-term response to crizotinib in NSCLC. Expanding the utility of prognostic biomarkers of response duration could influence choice of therapy, therapeutic sequencing, and potentially the need for alternative or combination therapy.